Saturday, September 6, 2008

Crossing Nuclear Hurdles

After having passed many obstructions and being in the news for a long time, the Indian nuclear ship is still not having a smooth sail. With countries like Austria, Ireland, etc. standing in the way it is doubtful that it will reach the shore comfortably.
Having parted with its old allies and joining new ones, the Government has to be very careful in maintaining a balance between its domestic and International positions. With many of NSGs demanding amendments and the fears of opposition, each statement by New Delhi is being carefully observed. Till now, India has taken the right approach of maintaining its stand of not signing any NPT on one hand and issuing statements of being a peace-lover on the other. It has highlighted its policy of not being the first to use weapons. The extent to which we are able to convince the world of our policies and also the benefits of prospective nuclear trade to NSGs, will determine the support provided to India.....

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