Friday, September 26, 2008

The Rescue Operation

With the whole world being dicey about investing in financial markets owing to crisis at the Wall Street, there is one man who can make all the difference and he is Mr. Warren Buffet. He is a man who has the reputation of turning the tables at any point of time. His investment of $5 Billion in Goldman Sachs has provided the much needed support for he financial markets to stabilize. Rated as the undisputed number-one investor, he is likely to be the opinion leader for rest of the world to follow and the trust in the markets will be revived. It is not only going to benefit Goldman but the entire financial community with the revival of trust of the so-called common investors. What the proposed Federal bailout of $700 billion might not do, can be done by $5 billion of the 'Omaha Oracle'. So it is not only the amount but the source of the amount that can make the difference and if the source is the top-shot Mr. Buffet unexpected is bound to happen.


Unknown said...

Isn't it good to be in such a state? You need lot of observation, commitment and passion to be a opinion leader. Good observation

Unknown said...

well said !!

Anonymous said...

excellent write-up....i think u are a born genius.....ur work is really commendable...all the best 4 future

Manjinder Singh said...

Thanx 4 the compliment but the disclosure of ur identity would have been really appreciated...